Grants Awarded

Sanctuary Fund Trinity College

Educational grant providing scholarship funding to Sanctuary Fund, Trinity College in support of a Palestinian student from Gaza majoring in Pharmacology.

Sector: Economic Empowerment

Region: Palestine

Approval year: 2024


Economic Empowerment; Access to Education


The Trinity Sanctuary Fund provides scholarships and support to students seeking sanctuary, allowing them to attend Trinity College, Dublin with the support needed to succeed. This educational grant enables a Palestinian female undergraduate student majoring in Pharmacology to continue her education at Trinity College.


Trinity College Dublin (a member of the University of Sanctuary network) commits to supporting students and scholars of sanctuary, including asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and displaced students and scholars. The Trinity Sanctuary Fund was initially established in response to the huge challenges faced by displaced students and scholars escaping conflict and war. The Fund now provides scholarships, financial support, language support and additional services to students of sanctuary.


We have selected a female Palestinian Pharmacology student who was enrolled in her second year at Al Azhar University in Gaza, Palestine. Her studies were interrupted due to the war and destruction of the university. She provided medical support to other displaced people at a refugee camp she was also sheltering in after losing her home. With this four-year scholarship from Meem Foundation, the student will continue her Pharmacology degree at Trinity College, Dublin.

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